Snippets — talmud
Creative Kavod: Honoring Service with Art
jewish artist jewish papercut papercutting talmud

Upon all those who occupy themselves with Torah.
kaddish d'rabbanan talmud torah translation of kaddish d'rabbanan
It was a small group of new rabbis, eight men and women, but what a group. Ordination at Hebrew Union College is a fascinating experience. To tell the truth, I was sort of pea-green with envy at the prospect of getting to study for five years: Torah, talmud, Hebrew, homiletics, cantillation, liturgy, philosophy, theology. And with the best rabbis. The highlight of the service, for me, was when the newly minted rabbis stood and faced their teachers and recited the Kaddish d'Rabbanan, the special kaddish honoring teachers. It is said daily in traditional synagogues, and I wish it were in...
A lot of trouble. And you're worth it.
berakhot hebrica jewish greeting card jewish thank you card kim phillips talmud todah rabbah
In the movie The American President, Sydney Ellen Wade receives a Virginia ham after her first date with President Andrew Shepherd. The assistant who gives it to her says, "It took him 10 minutes to write the card." Ten minutes? Surely he didn't write it himself, he staffed it out, thinks Sydney. Nope. Wrote it himself. And it took ten minutes. In the Mishnah (Berakhot 58a), it says, "What does a good guest say? How much trouble has my host gone to just for me!" If you are a guest, don't think, well, they had a caterer, or it was...
Giving light.
hebrew name hebrica jewish papercut art judaic art judaica kim phillips Rabbi Meir talmud
When asked to create a papercut for the Hebrew name "Meir," the challenge was on... how to "illuminate" with paper a name that means "creator of light?" In my head, I saw the blue of the daytime sky contrasting with the dark of night, and rays of fiery light bursting through the darkness. "Let there be light, and there was light." (Gen. 1:3) The recipient of this piece shares a name with one of the most revered sages of the Talmud, Rabbi Meir. It is thought that his name was given to him later in life for protection and because he...