Snippets — synagogue art

The Art of Jewish Papercutting: Sisterhood Opening Meeting

artist in residence jewish papercut art judaica papercutting sisterhood meeting synagogue art

hebrica jewish papercut art artist in residenceWomen from all the Nashville synagogues are welcome to join the West End Synagogue's opening Sisterhood meeting. Kim Phillips of Hebrica Judaic Art will discuss the history of Jewish papercutting, its forms and uses, placing it in context with other papercut art from around the world.

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Eitz Chayim - Getting Cozy with Torah

adult bar mitzvah adult bat mitzvah hebrica jewish ritual item judaica synagogue art torah cover

Editor's Note: The "Torah cozy" described below is called a bein gavra, which means "between the people." Thank you to Mark Langer for helping. A dozen years ago, four women became adult bat mitzvah ~ banot mitzvah ~ at my synagogue, Congregation Micah. We all came to do that for different reasons... I was new to Judaism, one had a bat mitzvah as a child that was unfulfilling, one never had one, and one wanted to redo hers ~ and pick a new Hebrew name ~ because she had survived a deadly illness and wanted to rededicate herself to Judaism...

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