Snippets — synagogue art
The Art of Jewish Papercutting: Sisterhood Opening Meeting
artist in residence jewish papercut art judaica papercutting sisterhood meeting synagogue art
Eitz Chayim - Getting Cozy with Torah
adult bar mitzvah adult bat mitzvah hebrica jewish ritual item judaica synagogue art torah cover
Editor's Note: The "Torah cozy" described below is called a bein gavra, which means "between the people." Thank you to Mark Langer for helping. A dozen years ago, four women became adult bat mitzvah ~ banot mitzvah ~ at my synagogue, Congregation Micah. We all came to do that for different reasons... I was new to Judaism, one had a bat mitzvah as a child that was unfulfilling, one never had one, and one wanted to redo hers ~ and pick a new Hebrew name ~ because she had survived a deadly illness and wanted to rededicate herself to Judaism...